last update: ★ ★

> 03/04/25: ive put together a TOS for my commission page to make the process for personal hire more clear and accessible

> 02/27/25: i finally got around to uploading my audio files, now my music pieces are accessible in the portfolio :D
> 02/26/25: added a pokemon shrine :D !! ive moved my painted cards there and updated my portfolio with new sketches !
> 12/17/24: bronte has her very own shrine now :) i also uploaded a poem to my portfolio
> 12/13/24: finished setting up the social and shrines pages, pretty devoid of content right now but that will soon be fixed.
> 12/06/24: transfered over the last of the old site. i now have working pages for graphics and links.
> 11/20/24: got the home page working and revamped the about me page. began the transfer of stuff from old site to new.
> 11/18/24: a full month went by but now the new site is finally live :D (albeit in the early stages of construction)
> 10/18/24: updates may be slow; overhauling the entire site, bear with me...

> 10/01/24: the page is still a little broken, but my virtualwritten room is now semi-functional! i decided to start working on a library of sorts as well.
> 09/19/24: i got around to updating the you page today :) added both a web links and a web goodies page.
> 09/17/24: fixed some graphics and added my first post to the blog :D this is starting to feel like a real website now!
> 09/14/24: added new blog section!!
> 09/10/24: updated buttons and some colors :D added a guestbook!
> 09/09/24: new working WIP of the first virtual room! a dedicated space for my visual art :)

planned updates / site to-do list:

> SHRINES:: stardew, gundam, minecraft, drix
> implement worlds pages
> update about me section
> artwork for about me/computer profile pictures
> terms of service page for my commission work
> cleaning up my code and optimizing site for multiple screen types